Best football tricks
The Essence of Football
The essence of football 2
You are given the opportunity to learn some conventional (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 18) and unconventional tricks (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17). The fastest way to do it is to watch the training videos.
Tricks 1, 2, 3 should be mastered by every footballer. From the unconventional tricks, I propose you to learn not more than one or two tricks.
Almost all the presented tricks are designed for both right- and left-footed players.
The “Essence of Football 2” presents brief overviews of all the tricks.
The highest effectiveness of these tricks is effective when the player is relaxed while dynamically driving the ball as close to the leg as possible. The tricks are presented in the coaching video played with each leg.
Some people comment on unconventional tricks that they can be used the most frequently on the spot (in a static position). However, we should remember that nowadays the modern football, which representatives are such teams like FC Barcelona and BvB Dortmund, are based on the strategy of many, short passes. So there is often such a situation that the player gets a ball in quite static position in the area of 16. Then there is a possibility of using one of the unconventional tricks.