The project is the finale of my dreams of great football. I’ve been playing since always but the level of international football was not good enough for me. As a young fan and player I noted down my observations and remarks on the art of football. After 35 years, I can share with you the most important part of my knowledge of football: precise standard and non-standard football tricks. Today’s football, represented by teams such as FC Barcelona or Borussia Dortmund, is based on its strategy of using multiple short moves. This is where non-standard tricks can be useful.
The idea of creating the site was born from passion for football.
By presenting this content I share my own experience, skills and thoughts on football with you.
As a businessman and a fair-play person, I also offer broadly defined motivation, including motivation to excel in sports. I’m a product of such motivation-building effort myself. The site contains a complete excerpt of tips and guidelines that everyone can follow in his or her life. Motivation should be viewed as a whole. As a whole it is an ideal guide to life and football.
Another important component of the site is the logo. Starting number “10” (“1” encircled within “0”) that represents perfection in the world of football: outstanding players including Pele, Maradona or Messi wore “tens” on their shirts. Another leitmotif, the “You’re No. 1” phrase, means that everybody is “number 1” and should feel so in every life situation. It’s irrelevant how we’re perceived by others. What is important is that everyone of us should consider himself/herself “number 1”. Following the “Live your dream!” message can help you succeed and gain satisfaction in life. Live your dreams and remember that if you stop dreaming you will never achieve your full potential. The line placed in the center of the logo, the growth curve, reflects human growth. We don’t only move up during our lives. Sometimes we stop or take a step back. It is important that we use such situations for thinking, recovering our energies and returning to the path of development. It is when you should foster this thought: “I am No1!”